Sunday, May 8, 2011

Japanese hardware sales, April 25 - May 1: Viking Mom edition

We're never ones to let a holiday pass by without finding some way to make a profit off of it -- and that includes holidays celebrating our very favorite family members. That's why right this moment, a mere 30 minutes before the sun sets on Mother's Day, we're sharing our monster of a mega-promotion with any and all parties who will take the time to consider it. Of course, with a half-hour of relevance, you're going to have to move fast to capitalize on this gem. Brace yourself for: Mo-Thor's Day.

Think about it: What do moms like more than anything in the universe? That's right, Norse mythology. What do they like only slightly less than that? Comic book adaptations. Somewhere in-between those two interests? Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman. We're telling you, if a Mo-Thor's Day campaign isn't enough to drown the film in box office revenues, we'll eat our winged helmet.

Continue reading Japanese hardware sales, April 25 - May 1: Viking Mom edition

JoystiqJapanese hardware sales, April 25 - May 1: Viking Mom edition originally appeared on Joystiq on Sun, 08 May 2011 23:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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