Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ubisoft prevents THQ from hiring more of its Montreal employees with court order

The Superior Court of Quebec has granted Ubisoft an injunction that prevents THQ from obtaining any more of Ubisoft's employees in ye olde city of Montreal. Game Informer (following up on a report by Rue Frontenac) received an official statement from Ubisoft, in which the publisher requested that the court place an injunction order on THQ based on the "non-solicit clause" included in Ubisoft Montreal employee contracts.

"This procedure aims to protect Ubisoft Montreal in a breach of contract situation," said the statement, "and to defend the long-term financial and creative health of the studio." Translation: Ubisoft hit the panic button following a talent drain that started when creative bigwig Patrice Desilets left Ubisoft to form his team at THQ Montreal, which included several other Ubisoft folks. In obtaining the injunction, Ubisoft even used a Joystiq article from January as evidence of a breach of contract. In that post, THQ exec Danny Bilson admits to hiring three Ubisoft employees (who were bound to a non-compete clause) on retainer.

Given that several major publishers are moving to Canada, THQ is just one of Ubisoft's home turf concerns. Ubisoft probably has the lawyers working overtime to legally add a "restraining order clause" to employee contracts, forcing them to stay 100 meters away from any competitors' employee.

JoystiqUbisoft prevents THQ from hiring more of its Montreal employees with court order originally appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 31 Mar 2011 12:10:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Laetitia Casta Claudette Ortiz Julia Stiles Marisa Miller AnnaLynne McCord

Silver Set for All-Time Record Quarterly Close

Mark O'Byrne submits:

Gold and silver have consolidated on recent gains as inflation, geopolitical and eurozone debt concerns support. Silver has risen above its 31-year record closing price of yesterday and looks set to target new record nominal intraday highs above $38.16/oz.

"Poor man's gold" is set for a record nominal quarterly close which will be bullish technically and set silver up to target the psychological resistance at $40/oz and then the nominal high of $50.35/oz . Silver's record quarterly close was $32.20/oz on December 31st, 1979.

Click to enlarge

While silver is up 22% this year and is heading for a ninth straight quarterly advance, its fundamentals remain very sound. With gold above its nominal record of 1980, poor man's gold continues to be seen as offering better value. To the masses in India, China and Asia, silver is the cheap alternative to gold and an attractive store of value and hedge

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Amanda Marcum Leila Arcieri Kate Mara Izabella Scorupco Carla Campbell

Blog Post: Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" to have support for Apple Macintosh

David Meego - Click for blog homepageI have some exciting news for those of you who still work with Apple Macintosh computers. I have been given permission to "leak' another cool feature for the upcoming Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" release.

Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" will have support for Apple Macintosh computers*, for details keep reading.


When Microsoft Dynamics GP (then called Great Plains Software Dynamics) was first released, it was available for both the Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh platforms.  The predecessor to the new GUI (Graphical User Interface) Dynamics product was Great Plains Accounting (GPA) which was available for DOS, Windows and Macintosh. To maintain support for both PC and Apple computers, Dynamics was developed to work on both.

In 1988, when the decision to develop an new accounting system for multiple platforms was made, the team at Great Plains Software looked for a development platform that would allow for development of an application with a Graphical User Interface which could use a single set of source code for both Windows and Macintosh operating systems. They wanted it to be independent of operating system, independent of database platform, be easily customizable and be translatable for both terminology and other languages.

After it was realised that there just was not a development tool available that could handle the requirements, Great Plains Software started designing and developing their own language called Dexterity. The team that developed Dexterity included people like Tim Brookins, David Gaboury, Andrew Ingalls, Erik Nissen, Brian Glaeske, Kevin Honeyman, Todd Lefor, Steve Kubis, etc.  Many of which still work for Microsoft in areas such as Dynamics GP, Dynamics AX and Windows Phone 7.

Dexterity uses a data dictionary approach with the data types, field, tables, forms, and reports all defined and stored in a .DIC file (DYNAMICS.DIC is the primary application file). All the script is compiled to pseudo code which can be executed by the appropriate runtime engine for the operating system. Reading and writing of data was handled with a "black box" approach were Dexterity commands for table manipulation separated the developer from the actual implementation being used.

This design allowed for a single application data dictionary to be used across multiple operating system and database platforms.  The data dictionary also provided a method for all strings and messages to be extracted, translated and imported back into the dictionary, thus making the application translatable.

As new features or new database platform support were needed, the underlying Dexterity development environment was updated and the Dynamics application would then inherit them.  This is how support for SQL Server or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) was added without having to rewrite the entire application.

When version 6.00 was released, TreeView and ListView controls were added to Dexterity, as (at the time) the Apple Macintosh could not support these controls (used for Explorer/Smartlist), support for the Macintosh was dropped.

The Future

Now that the Apple Macintosh supports the controls again (and has done for a while), it was decided that Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" should be able to be used on an Apple Macintosh system again. 

So you heard it first on the Developing for Dynamics GP blog, Microsoft Dynamics GP "12" will have support for Apple Macintosh computers*.

Thanks for your readership.  Your support makes articles like this possible. 




* using Citrix running on a Windows Terminal server with the ICA client for Apple Macintosh.

Christina Aguilera Kate Hudson Adriana Lima Brittany Daniel Kate Moss

BloodRayne: Betrayal this summer on XBLA and PSN, courtesy of WayForward

Everyone's favorite (by default) redheaded, Nazi-fighting half-vampire is rising once again, this time with the help of an unlikely ally. Majesco is bringing back its pre-Cooking Mama, pre-casual property Bloodrayne in BloodRayne: Betrayal. The new game is the work of WayForward Technologies, a developer best known for games like A Boy and His Blob, Contra 4, and Shantae, and not really for grimdark games.

It's also the developer's first Xbox 360 and PS3 project, due for XBLA and PSN this summer. Betrayal is a 2D side-scroller with "new characters, gruesome environmental puzzles and a full arsenal of lethal weapons including Rayne's signature arm blades" -- and, of course, a "deadly dose of bloodshed."

Continue reading BloodRayne: Betrayal this summer on XBLA and PSN, courtesy of WayForward

JoystiqBloodRayne: Betrayal this summer on XBLA and PSN, courtesy of WayForward originally appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 31 Mar 2011 12:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Ana Hickmann Mischa Barton Jamie Lynn Sigler Stacy Keibler Rihanna

Blog Post: Teaming e Hyper-V


El asunto del NIC Teaming en Hyper-V es un tema recurrente. �Como se monta y configura?. �Cuando esta o no recomendado?. �Esta soportado por Microsoft?.

Por qu� necesitamos el Teaming

Estas son las razones por las que se suele plantear la necesidad de establecer Teams de tarjetas de red:

  • Por si falla la una NIC f�sica. Hay quien incluso quiere establecer Teams entre NIC de diferentes fabricantes para mayor tolerancia a fallos. Mi opini�n al respecto es que, por esta raz�n, no merece la pena. Si falla f�sicamente una NIC es muy posible que el Team no te arregle los problemas colaterales, y con mucha probabilidad, los posibles problemas en drivers/firmware etc. en lugar de ser eliminados por el software de teaming, se ver�n amplificados. Adem�s la tendencia en las NICs para servidores es que adaptadores multipuerto, que se presentan como interfaces independientes de cara al sistema operativo. La probabilidad de que un hipot�tico fallo afecte a un �nico puerto es a�n m�s baja. Si adem�s los puertos de las diferentes NICs est�n enchufadas al mismo switch de red no ganaremos ning�n tipo de tolerancia ante un posible problema ajeno a las propias tarjetas. En estas condiciones, bajo mi punto de vista, el teaming supone mas riesgo que beneficio real.
  • Por si falla el camino: Esto incluye los elementos de red a los que las NICs est�n conectadas, en particular cables y switches. No queremos confiar en un �nico latiguillo de red, ni en un �nico switch de red. Es m�s, queremos tener la posibilidad de dar mantenimiento a dichos elementos sin afectar a la conectividad de las cargas de trabajo. Por ejemplo, reemplazarlos o actualizar firmwares y versiones de sistema operativo de los switches. Teams entre puertos de diferentes interfaces que conectan a diferentes elementos de red es lo m�s adecuado para entornos en los que la tolerancia a fallos es un requisito.
  • Agregaci�n de ancho de banda y balanceo de carga. En el mundo de las interfaces a 1GB esta ha sido la forma de aumentar el ancho de banda para cargas de trabajo que as� lo requieran, como podr�a ser el caso de las NICs correspondientes a un switch virtual. Sin embargo la tendencia parece ser ir hacia interfaces multipuerto de 10Gb, que pueden virtualizarse o particionarse a voluntad, obteni�ndose anchos de banda personalizados.

En los documentos que se enlazan m�s abajo encontrareis descripciones mucho m�s puristas de todo esto. Simplemente se trata de dejar claro que el Teaming es una pieza que puede ser un requisito fundamental en muchos escenarios.


La soportabilidad del NIC Teaming por parte de Microsoft esta muy bien resumida en estos dos art�culos

Since Network Adapter Teaming is only provided by Hardware Vendors, Microsoft does not provide any support for this technology thru Microsoft Product Support Services. As a result, Microsoft may ask that you temporarily disable or remove Network Adapter Teaming software when troubleshooting issues where the teaming software is suspect.
If the problem is resolved by the removal of Network Adapter Teaming software, then further assistance must be obtained thru the Hardware Vendor.

  • Network adapter teaming and server clustering:

    In Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2, there are no restrictions that are associated with NIC Teaming and the Failover Clustering feature. In Windows Server 2008, the new Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter is compatible with NIC Teaming and allows it to be used on any network interface in a Failover Cluster.

Me he permitido subrayar las partes m�s relevantes. La pila de red de Windows no implementa los mecanismos de agregaci�n de ancho de banda y tolerancia a fallos mencionadas m�s arriba, y como veremos m�s adelante, es necesario utilizar el software especifico del fabricante de la tarjeta o de los propios servidores para introducirlos por encima de los drives de las tarjetas de red. Por tanto, Microsoft no puede hacerse responsable en primera instancia del proceso de diagnostico y resoluci�n de problemas que pudieran localizarse en esta capa de software. Estar�amos exactamente en la misma situaci�n si habl�ramos de los propios drivers de las NICs, o de los drivers y software de configuraci�n de las tarjetas gr�ficas, o cualquier otra pieza de software que resulte ajeno a Microsoft. Como ya hemos explicado en otras ocasiones, para Microsoft ?soportado? significa exactamente que puedes llamar a Microsoft Product Support Services y esperar un compromiso de alcanzar una soluci�n sobre un asunto determinado. En este sentido, ?no soportado? no significa en absoluto ni que no funcione, ni que no se recomiende, ni que se vaya a negar la ayuda, ni que el fabricante en particular no lo soporte oficialmente por su lado.

Dej�moslo por tanto en que el Teaming est� soportado para Windows y por tanto para Hyper-V, pero no directamente por Microsoft PSS.


En Hyper-V, la pila de red y la pila de almacenamiento se configuran en la partici�n padre. Por tanto, la configuraci�n del Teaming de red, al igual que el multipath en el caso del almacenamiento, se gestionan exactamente igual que en un servidor f�sico. En la grand�sima mayor�a de las situaciones nos encontraremos con NICs basadas en chipset de Intel o Broadcom. Con la salvedad de HP, que implementa su propia herramienta de creaci�n y gesti�n de los teams, la mayor�a del resto de fabricantes se basan en las herramientas que proveen directamente los propios fabricantes del chipset.

Aqu� os dejo los principales enlaces para instalar y configurar los Teams:

  • HP Network Configuration Utility:
  • Intel ProSet / ANS:
  • Broadcom BACS / BASP:

Cuando tiene sentido el Teaming en entornos de Hyper-V

Nos plantearemos el uso de NIC Teaming en Hyper-V en aquellas redes en las que no se implementen ya mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos por otra v�a y en las que podamos necesitar agregar ancho de banda o implementar pol�ticas de balanceo, en funci�n de lo que hemos mencionado m�s arriba.

  • iSCSI. Si nuestro almacenamiento es iSCSI y queremos utilizar m�s de una tarjeta, lo adecuado es usar los mecanismos de multipathing propios del sistema de almacenamiento. Sin Teaming
  • Red de HeartBeat del cluster: En 2008/2008R2 podemos especificar diferentes redes para transportar el heartbeat, y los requerimientos de ancho de banda son m�nimos. Sin necesidad de Teaming
  • Red de Live Migration: Requerimos alto ancho de banda, solamente cuando se realicen Live Migrations. Se pueden especificar diferentes redes para ello, con lo que tenemos tolerancia a fallos. Puede justificarse Teaming
  • Red de CSVs: Es la red con menor m�trica del cluster. Puede tener altos consumos de ancho de banda de manera puntual. Puede justificarse Teaming
  • Red P�blica de gesti�n: Necesitamos tolerancia a fallos, y un ancho de banda razonable para la administraci�n del servidor. Puede ser necesario Teaming
  • Virtual Switches: Requerimos tanto altos anchos de banda como tolerancia a fallos . Puede ser necesario Teaming

En el siguiente documento ten�is la recomendaci�n oficial para hosts con cuatro o menos interfaces de red.

Sin embargo, los escenarios pueden complicarse si necesitamos dedicar ciertas NICs a dar servicio en determinadas VLANs. El software de Teaming puede crear NICs virtuales sobre las interfaces f�sicas reales, las cuales a su vez pueden convertirse en Switches virtuales, pudi�ndose sacar adem�s vNICs virtuales para la partici�n padre. Todo esto es factible y funciona. Pero conviene sentarse a pensar si realmente tiene sentido, y recordar que lo sencillo funciona y se opera mejor que lo complicado.


David Cervig�n

Thandie Newton Liz Phair Aaliyah Katherine Heigl Lorri Bagley

Blog Post: Bentley students have their heads in the clouds?


Professor Mark Frydenberg invited Edwin Guarin and Jim O?Neil to guest lecture on Windows Azure for his Cloud Computing class. You can attend class by watching this video?

Maria Menounos Shakira Leslie Bibb Chelsea Handler Salma Hayek

Insomniac Community Day 2011: Pressing the Flesh with the Fans

At Insomniac's annual community day, the developers of Resistance and Ratchet & Clank pressed the flesh with the fans, answered questions, showed off demos, gave out a bunch of swag, and even made a few announcements.

The event, which is open to the public, has been previously held at Insomniac's spacious office in Burbank. However, the growing number of attendees led to a change of venue this year. So the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood was host to a few hundred folks who had queued up along Hollywood Boulevard -- some hours in advance. A particularly stalwart group of fans, who sat in the front row for every presentation, was dubbed the "3 a.m. group" because they had, in fact, arrived at 3 a.m. to secure their place at the head of the line.

Cristina Dumitru Cat Power January Jones Christina DaRe Malin Akerman

Avalanche and Sega rolling out 'Renegade Ops' for PSN and XBLA

Just Cause 2 developer Avalanche Studios joins the Generic Title Squad (home to recruits like Modern Combat: Domination, Conflict: Denied Ops and Sniper: Ghost Warrior) with its new downloadable game, Renegade Ops. The game itself sounds much more distinctive.

The Sega-published PSN/XBLA title, due this year, focuses on vehicular combat, with players taking control of a commando unit fighting to defeat the evil terrorist Madman Inferno. Playing online in groups of up to four, Renegade Op-eratives will have a variety of vehicles at their disposal, capable of attacks " from dispersing electromagnetic shock waves to the deployment of a huge Gatling gun armed to the teeth."

In the announcement of the game, Avalanche senior producer Andreas Thorsén said that "the IP is all about driving or flying around blowing stuff up while playing with your friends," which he calls "a dream-project" for the studio. May we suggest a title change to "Driving or Flying Around Blowing Stuff Up?" We think it sticks better.

Continue reading Avalanche and Sega rolling out 'Renegade Ops' for PSN and XBLA

JoystiqAvalanche and Sega rolling out 'Renegade Ops' for PSN and XBLA originally appeared on Joystiq on Wed, 30 Mar 2011 18:40:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Stacy Keibler Rihanna America Ferrera Haylie Duff Talisa Soto

Boston College Tells Students That Using A Wireless Router Is A Sign Of Copyright Infringement

Copyright lawyer Ray Dowd points out that Boston College is telling students that simply using a wireless router is a sign of copyright infringement. Take a look at the image below:
The page lists out a variety of other things that are a lot more likely (but not definitely) to involve infringing -- such as using file sharing networks to share copyrighted songs, or emailing songs around. But using a wireless router? As Dowd discusses, the three federal court rulings involving copyright that mention wireless routers, all use it as a defense against infringement, because it highlights how someone else may have used the connection.

So why is Boston College telling students that simply using a wireless router is a sign of infringement?

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Larissa Meek Gina Carano Sanaa Lathan Ana Beatriz Barros Maria Menounos

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nintendo building new R&D facility in Kyoto

According to a report from Nikkan (as translated by Andriasang), Nintendo's planning on getting its proverbial ducks in a row with the construction of a new 12-billion-yen Research and Development facility in Kyoto's Minami Ward -- the same location as its Japanese headquarters. The gargantuan building will house 1,500 employees focused on product development, and is scheduled to break ground January 2012, with a projected completion date sometime the following year.

In short, if you're looking for the future birthplace of the Nintendo 4DS, you needn't look any further than this new facility. On a related note, if you're looking for the birthplace of Nintendo as a whole, you could also do that using the Nintendo 4DS' time-piercing chronoscreen. Man, we can't wait for that thing to be invented. Good thing we don't have to! Ha! Time travel.

[Image credit: Flickr user Johannes]

JoystiqNintendo building new R&D facility in Kyoto originally appeared on Joystiq on Thu, 31 Mar 2011 01:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sarah Gellman Eliza Dushku Bonnie Jill Laflin Joanna Krupa Ashley Olsen

Grand Theft Auto V voice actors being recruited?

Grand Theft Auto V voice actors being recruited?Yet more details in Take-Two's activity spell development of Grand Theft Auto V.

Several weeks ago it emerged that Take-Two had registered several domain names that were suspected to be used as parody websites in a new Grand Theft Auto title. The domains were,,, and

HammersteinFaust is thought to be a parody of Goldman Sachs and LifeInvader of Facebook.

Now Rockstar Games' parent company Take-Two Interactive is holding auditions for actors to voice several video game characters. The five characters it is looking to fill positions for have a shroud of controversy around them that leans heavily toward GTA characters. They include...

  • "A liberal young male who believes in a conspiracy made by Republicans to undermine America."
  • "A young female obsessed with sex parties, always dreaming of being a Hollywood celebrity."
  • "A white creepy man who thinks that technology is a poison against the wilderness."
  • "A man-boy love activist who just got released from an Indonesian prison."
  • "A young, fast-talking boy fighting for the right of young boys to drink alcohol and have sex."

  • GTA V? What do you think?

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    AnnaLynne McCord Emma Heming Vitamin C Scarlett Johansson Christina Ricci

    Monsanto Sued By Organic Farmers Who Don't Want To Be Accused Of Patent Infringement

    Monsanto's incredibly overaggressive use of patents to corner the market on certain crops and to bully farmers has been well-documented over the years. Some of the really crazy stories involve Monsanto accusing farmers of patent infringement, because some of its "patented" seeds were used by neighboring farms, and the newly grown seeds were blown onto the neighboring property by wind, where they grew new plants. Now, a group of organic farmers fearful of being hit with similar threats and/or lawsuits have preemptively sued Monsanto asking for a declaratory judgment that they don't infringe, while also seeking to invalidate the patents. The full filing, embedded below, includes a description of why the farmers think that Monsanto's patents are invalid anyway, including the claim that Monsanto's modified seeds were not actually "useful" (it cites multiple studies debunking claims by Monsanto of the advantages of its seeds) and therefore, not patentable (since, in theory, patents are only allowed on "useful" inventions). Should make for an interesting case, though I would guess it won't get very far...

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    Shiri Appleby Kelly Hu Michelle Rodriguez Mena Suvari Georgina Grenville

    Righthaven Dismisses Lawsuit Against Reporter; Still Seems Confused About The Whole Thing

    A few hours ago, we wrote about Righthaven's painfully stupid lawsuit against Eriq Gardner claiming copyright infringement for an article he wrote about a previous Righthaven lawsuit, that included an image from Righthaven's own legal filing. After widespread mocking, it appears that Righthaven has realized it totally and completely screwed this one up, though it seemed to take a little while. This morning, reporter Joe Mullin called Righthaven CEO Steve Gibson, and he insisted this was going to be "litigated before the court," and seemed to suggest that Righthaven was confident it was right here.

    Clearly, others in the Righthaven office talked some sense in to Gibson because sometime after that (but apparently still in the morning), Righthaven filed for a voluntary dismissal of the lawsuit, with prejudice (meaning it can't file again). Of course, Righthaven even screwed that up, with its initial filing claiming it was to be done without prejudice in one point and with it in another. Eventually it got it right.

    As for Righthaven's explanation, contrary to the claims of its CEO, the two Righthaven lawyers who Nate Anderson at Ars Technica spoke to, Steven Ganim and Shawn Mangano, appear to give a totally different story. They claim that they realized it was a mistake as soon as they heard about it, and claimed this was just a "clerical mistake," and they never meant to sue a reporter writing about their cases. That is, frankly, completely unbelievable. They filed a federal lawsuit against an individual, including an exhibit which clearly showed the entire original article from Gardner. Either they didn't read their own exhibits, didn't understand what they were doing, or knew full well that they were suing someone who was reporting on their own case. I can't see how any of those options makes Righthaven look particularly credible.

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    Ivana Bozilovic Cristina Dumitru Cat Power January Jones Christina DaRe

    Copyright troll Righthaven's epic blunder: a lawsuit targeting Ars

    Not content with just suing sources, small out-of-state nonprofits, bloggers who get 20 hits per day, and other massive copyright pirates, newspaper litigation firm Righthaven this week trained its guns on Ars Technica. The company filed a federal lawsuit against one of our freelance writers over a post (about Righthaven) that appeared on the site back in December—only to dismiss it this morning.

    Why was the case ever brought? It was (cough) a "clerical mistake."

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    Jennifer Aniston Amy Cobb Deanna Russo Cheryl Burke Olivia Wilde

    Federal Reserve Report: Central Bank's Record $82 Billion 'Profit' Is a Red Flag

    Martin Hutchinson submits:

    If the record $81.7 billion in profit that the U.S. Federal Reserve reported for 2010 was turned over to taxpayers directly, there's no doubt it would have some "stimulus" benefit; after all, a $270 check for every man, woman and child in the United States ain't chicken feed. But since that money actually just "disappears" into the coffers of the U.S. Treasury, it does very little good for anybody.

    Still, since the pretax earnings of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) never got above the $12 billion mark, it's worth taking a closer look at the Fed's reported profits to see just what's going on -- especially since we taxpayers will be called upon to bail out the central bank once the inevitable losses arrive. And once you take the time to investigate, you'll quickly realize two things: This "profit" isn't what it seems, and you should be worried -- very

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    Hands on: Trillian conversation sync is mobile messaging bliss

    Cerulean Studios recently introduced an impressive new "continuous client" feature in its Trillian instant messaging software. It automatically synchronizes conversations between multiple devices, allowing users to seamlessly carry their chat sessions between multiple computers or from a computer to a smartphone and back again without any disruption.

    Most of the mainstream instant messaging protocols already allow users to establish multiple connections or run multiple client instances at the same time, but they don't echo the full conversation on all connected devices or allow you to see the contents of your existing conversations when you establish a new connection on a different device. Trillian's continuous client functionality remedies those issues by fully synchronizing the contents of your open chat windows between instances of the client.

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